Stops and Starts, 2023
Mixed Media on Canvas
47.50 x 37.50 in

About the Artist


London-born artist, David John Ebbetts signs on (and off) as DJE. Throughout his working life and quite organically, Ebbetts became known as DJE. The shorthand stuck. So, when Ebbetts put brush to canvas to sign his work, DJE flowed naturally. That’s the backstory, no secret cipher here, simply fitting and straightforward.

As an artist and a man, DJE likes to work things out. He’s keenly interested in design, mechanics and structure with a desire to understand. DJE art is a physical working-through of life experiences – love, loss, activity, inertia, inspiration, success and failure. DJE art is abstract, yet specific. Materials are mixed. Geometries and symmetries are explored. Wood, fabric, and plaster on canvas morph in interesting combinations of form and color.

Art is DJE’s passion. But just one. The artist is a seasoned furniture designer and entrepreneur. As David Ebbetts, he comprises the “English” half off the luxury art and interior design brand South + English with cofounder, life partner and fellow artist Palmer Linwood Smith.

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